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Lighting the LAMP in Ubuntu 14.04

If you are like me, who have recently switched from windows to Linux to enjoy more freedom, and experienced that freedom ain’t that cheap, given the wild goose chase that Linux welcomes with,for beginners, then you’re home. Relax and have a seat. Below I will share one of the easiest ways to light the LAMP in Ubuntu 14.04.

The easiest way to install LAMP stack in Ubuntu is by using tasksel.

Tasksel is a multiple related package installer for Ubuntu.

The procedure is pretty simple. First let’s break down the steps:

1. Update your application index by running update command
2. Install tasksel
3. Install LAMP Server using tasksel

That’s right folks! Only three simple commands and then you are good to go.

So, now lets have a look at the associated commands:

1. Running the program update command:

sudo apt-get update

First of all, what we need to understand is, what this command does. It just looks for any necessary updates, dependencies etc of your currently installed programs.

But, if you’ve recently ran this command then, you need not run it again. (Though it would do no ham if you do it).

2. Install tasksel:
sudo apt-get install tasksel

Simple. This command installs tasksel, which will help you install LAMP.

3. Install LAMP Stack:

sudo tasksel install lamp-server

This command installs the lamp stack. During the installation you will be asked to set the root password for mysql. Just that small attention seeking act and tadaaa, you have successfully installed LAMP.

Just a reminder, after tasksel installs, it shows an you options screen,where you can find lamp-server also listed. I tried installing LAMP from there, but it did not work. So I tried the above command and got the results without any hair pulling sessions caused due to shattering of expectations 🙂 .

It would also be good to install phpmyadmin right away, would it not? So,lets again get back to good old terminal and type in:

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

Now, the beautiful spontaneity of Linux takes over again and you can see it being installed. In between (again), you will be shown an option screen where you have to select Apache server,(since you are installing phpmyadmin to run with Apache server). After selecting Apache server, a again for the last time, you will be asked to set the password for phpmyadmin, which you have to reply as yes, then set the password,confirm it and then you’re done. PHPMYADMIN and LAMP both installed with a few painless commands.

But again, this will not run phpmyadmin when you hit

why? Because, poor Apache server doesnot know about phpmyadmin! So, we will tell Mr.Apache where to find our new guy.

Copy the following line and paste it in your apache2.conf file in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf

Then restart the Apache server by:

sudo service apache2 restart


sudo service apache2 reload

Now, you can access localhost/phpmyadmin

Login with the password that you created above during installation of phpmyadmin and …..enjoy, play around or whatever you want to do with it 😀 !

You can use the default Apache site to start with. Apart from that,Apache provides high flexibility to developers to configure virtual sites as per the needs. I will write about configuring new virtual sites in my next article.

This is my first article and so there might be some faults in presentation and a bit this and that, to improve which, I will be looking for your feedback. Be in touch!!